As the end of the year rapidly approaches, it's always hard to tell what kind of weather Mother Nature will throw our way from now until then. I'm optimistic that we'll complete the tanks in progress along with some concrete at a few sites that needs to be poured yet. My optimism isn't based on anything like achey joints or the way the trees look. I'm going on good old fashion intuition........or maybe I'm just naive. Here's where we are now.
The 2 million gallon tank in Williams in nearly complete. At the time of this photo, they were working on the roof. Currently, they should be close to wrapping it up.
Same tank, different angle. The last step off that ladder is a doozy.
It looks a little crowded because it's being used as a warehouse also, but the truck load out building is complete. A closer look toward the elevated office will reveal the new load arms.
In Ashley, the second 500,000 gallon tank is almost finished. They are working on the roof at this time with the fittings, railings, and manways soon to follow.