Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Last week while Robert Rall and a few others were gone from the Goodland facility down to ACLF’s Sunray, TX site on-site projects at Goodland carried on.  

Completion is near on the dock extension and weather enclosure

Another addition going up is the building shelter over the outdoor truck pad.
It’s a little awkward looking but will be well appreciated by those atop the trailers during those legendary sand storms

Monday, June 18, 2012


As you can see the plush wheat field has been cleared way with many truck loads of earth being  removed.

These next few don’t do much for showing details of the earth work being preformed however the storm clouds looming in the distance shortly will be performing their work on us.



Last week 6- 30,000 gallons tanks were delivered to the site.
Here the oversize loads arrive to the Industrial Park, one over sight was measuring the entrance gate ahead of time, luckily with talented drivers all cleared their way in but it was within only one or two inches.
All trailers unhooked and ready for unloading in the morning


Morning has arrived and quickly at it before the heat arrived, days high is expected 95-100 degrees. 

Tanks are on the ground safely and work is complete. Locked up and heading down the road. 
In total there will be 18. Next 6 are expected to arrive in the next few weeks.

Monday, June 11, 2012



 It’s been awhile since we’ve checked in on the Ashley Facility, the most recent action was the last touches put on at the rail area, there was a section dividing the containment and first spur that yet needed the concrete slab poured. By doing this it keeps the mud and muck off the equipment, is a much improved area for the workers along with the visual enhancement as seen in a reference picture from this past fall.

This past week at Goodland it was busy pumping concrete just as well as fertilizers. Brent’s Concrete finished concrete along the containment pad adjacent to the new half million gallons tank, adding this Goodland facility now has the ability in combination to load / unload 4 truck simultaneously along with utilizing railcars

Footing have been poured for a hoop structure that will soon cover one of the outside loading pads, this was needed due to the high winds and bluster of sand that that comes with those winds. This feature will alleviate the hazardous to the worker atop of the vessel along with attention to product quality.   
These couple pictures are update to the demo and reconstruction of the dock to the south side of the building, once complete this will be fully enclose eliminating any need the dock work to be exposed to the elements, Its know ACLF continues to do the best to make working conditions as convenient as necessary, but a little exposure  to rain and snow would be all that bad.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


The first soil has been broken in creation for the new Global Headquarters as we wonder if the day would every come, it has arrived.
As with all good managed projects there’s a gathering of the minds as seen.
Now that the minds have gathered a plan can be set forth for the work to begin. Here the first cuts are being made peeling off the top soil to expose the clay, needless to say this didn’t take many passes to reveal that cantankerous material.
In the distance passes are made cutting in what will eventually be the secondary entrance leading up to the office.
This square and leveled area will become what’s considered the lay-down area for placement of project trailers and staging of equipment
No this mini hoe is not attempting to become stuck it is stripping back the vegetation preparing lay in the culvert for the construction drive for the duration of the project.
Another view looking at what will serve as the construction drive, this will be well used for the numerous amounts of soils to remove and be replaced.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Stockton, CA. First Site Staff on Duty

Shauns latest travels to the new Stockton location first on the docket was to fill the postions of night duty security, please welcome Heathcliff  and the newest LIQUID employee.
Also on his trip Shawn meet with the new insurance agent, though they'd like their company name to remain anonymous, he went by the name Martin


Past few weeks some of the behind the scene side projects have been taking place. The truck dock that has served us for many years was just not cutting it so what the solution,  cut it out and start over and make it better and more cozy by protecting the lift drivers from the elements.

  When complete there will be installation of a new air operated dock lever along with weather gasket sealing up between the trailers and building to create an air tight seal.

The latest onsite improvement to commence is a 100’ long canopy covering the length of the outdoor loading bay. The intent for this is to protect from the wicked sand storms of the might west of Goodland. If you have experienced any of them you can relate and if you haven’t you are glad you don’t understand what the big deal is.